
"Come on in", take a look around and feel free to tell me if you liked the picture, didn't like it, didn't get it or just don't care!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well, this is my room. I should only have three more nights to stay in this prison. Between this and the eight months I spent at the Joint Security Station (JSS), this has been a living hell for me. I will agree that I could have had worse accomidations over the last year, but not by much. Almost everyone has had a room mate over the last year, so I should consider myself fortunate for that. I don't know if I could have been couped up with another person for a year without killing them. Anyway, this is the one of the last pictures I will ever take of this place. I am not sad by a long shot as this has been one of the worst years of my life. With any luck this will be my last deployment, don't know if I can take it again!

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